Integrate Thinkific and Voma

Connect Thinkific and Voma to automatically provision access to your courses and bundles in Thinkific when a customer submits a purchase through a Voma checkout page.

Note: You will need to be on Thinkific's Grow plan to integrate Thinkific and Voma.

When you integrate Thinkific with your Voma account, you can set up Thinkific automations that are automatically triggered in Thinkific when a customer submits an order for your offer in Voma.

Automations support the following triggers and actions:


  • When a customer purchases the main product, order bump, and/or upsell in your offer
  • When a customer submits an order and bonuses are included
  • When someone cancels their subscription for the main product, order bump, and/or upsell, if that product is a subscription


  • Enroll user in Thinkific course (or bundle)
  • Remove user from Thinkific course (or bundle)

Integrate Thinkific and Voma

1. Go to the Integrations page in your Voma account and click New Integration:

2. Enter your Thinkific subdomain and click Add:

3. You'll be automatically redirected to Thinkific account. Click Accept & Install to complete the integration:

4. You will now see Thinkific listed on the Integrations page of your Voma account:

Congratulations! 🎉

The next step is to create an offer in Voma and add Thinkific automations to your Voma offer.

Add a Thinkific automation to your Voma offer

1. After you have created your offer in Voma, go to the OfferStack tab of the offer editor, and select Automations >> Main Product.

2. Click Create Your First Automation. Select Thinkific for the destination, and Enroll user in Thinkific course for the action, and select the course (or bundle) in Thinkific that you want to grant access to when a customer purchases your Voma offer. Then click Create:

3. After you set up your automation, you'll see it displayed in the Automations page of your Voma offer:

Congratulations - you have successfully added a Thinkific automation to your Voma offer! 🎉

After a customer submits an order through your Voma checkout page, they will automatically be granted access to the course/bundle in Thinkific that you selected when creating your automation:


If you have any questions, please contact our team at or send us a message through the chat in the bottom-right corner of any page in your Voma dashboard.