Creating an evergreen deadline in OfferStacks

In this guide, we'll show you how to add an evergreen deadline to your main offer. 

Adding an evergreen deadline is ideal for email follow-up to new (or existing) subscribers and then presenting them with a special offer with a real deadline to take action.


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How to create an evergreen deadline
Email integration & links
How to go live with your deadline

How to create an evergreen deadline


After you've created an offer, you can enhance your offer by adding an evergreen deadline to your offer.


๐Ÿ“‘  Note:  Voma currently has a direct integration for evergreen deadlines with ActiveCampaign, Keap, ConvertKit, Ontraport, Drip, AWeber, Mailchimp and Mailer Lite. If you are using a different email platform, you'll need to use Zapier to trigger an evergreen deadline in Voma. Please see our Zapier guide here


To create an evergreen deadline, head to the offer you want to enhance and click on the OfferStack tab. 


  1. Choose an OfferStack: 

    Select Evergreen and choose how long a new lead can access your special offer by completing the Deadline Length, Unit of Time, Deadline Time, and Timezone fields. Then click Next.


  2. Create your Special Offer: 

    Add a discount, bonuses, or both to your offer. Then click Next.
    • Discount: Choose the discount type (Percentage or Fixed) and type in the discount value.
    • Bonuses: Click on Add a new bonus and select the bonus you want to add to your special offer. You can add multiple bonuses.

  3. Select what happens after the deadline expires:

    If a subscriber does not have access to the offer or their deadline has expired, Voma (by default) will prevent them from accessing your offer. To customize what happens when a subscriber does not have access to the offer, or their deadline has expired, you can enable an after-deadline action.


    Voma will use this After-Deadline action as the behavior when someone visits your offer and they donโ€™t have access, or when they visit your offer and their deadline has already expired.

    Make your selection from the list below, and click Next
    • Remove bonuses and discount: Bonuses and discount will be removed after deadline.
    • Redirect to another offer: After deadline is reached, prospect will be redirected to another offer. Choose the other offer from the dropdown list.
    • Redirect to an external URL: After deadline is reached, the prospect will be redirected to the external URL you insert in the space provided.

  4. Customize the Appearance:


    Customize the image, content, and styles of your OfferLock modal, then click Next. 

    • Image: You can choose to enable or disable the image on mobile (recommended dimensions are 396x479).
    • Content: You can add a headline and description to your content, and customize the email placeholder and button text. You also have the option to add a footer.
    • Styling: Choose the colors for your headline, description, button, and button text.
    • GDPR: Choose whether to hide or show a GDPR checkbox to EU or all visitors. You can also customize the text.

  5. Set up Automations:

    You can create the automations listed below, or set additional ones (Bonuses, Upsell, Bump and cancel subscriptions) under custom automations. After you've set your automations, click Next.
    • Optin: Trigger automation when someone submits your optin form.
    • Abandon Cart: Trigger automation when someone abandons the cart.
    • Purchase: Trigger automation when someone makes a purchase.

๐Ÿ“‘  Note: In this example, we used ActiveCampaign. (If you use another platform, it may look different.) 


๐Ÿ”Ž  Sneak Peek:

6.   Activate your evergreen deadline:

    • Toggle the on/off button to activate or deactivate your Evergreen deadline.  
    • On this page, youโ€™ll also find a section on Email Integration with your webhook and a link to your offer. If you are linking to a sales page from your emails instead of linking directly to the offer, click on Advanced. You will find more details about email integration in the section below.


    Email integration & links


    Email integration


    If you enable evergreen, subscribers will only be able to access your offer if you add them to your offer via email integration, Zapier integration, or manual import.


    To integrate your evergreen deadline with your funnel via the email integration, choose your email platform under Select your email platform:




    If you're not seeing your email platform as an option, then you'll need to connect it to your Voma account. Follow our platform-specific guides here.


    To trigger an evergreen deadline for each subscriber in your funnel, copy the webhook from the second field (see image below) and add it to your email automation.


    In ActiveCampaign for example, you'd add this webhook to the top of the automation as a webhook step. 


    To see how to add a subscriber manually to a deadline, see this guide.


    Email links


    In all emails that point to your Voma offer page, replace the normal offer URL with the email link below.


    If a subscriber visits a Voma offer through a Voma email link, then Voma will first check if that subscriber has access to your offer, and then check if their deadline has expired or not. Your subscriber will be able to access the offer if they have access and their deadline has not expired.



    For more details on how to integrate the Voma email links into your funnel, visit our guide on email links.


    How to go live with your deadline


    1. Once you've finished integrating your deadline into your funnel, make sure your deadline is active by checking 'On' toggle as explained in Step 6 above.
    2. Turn the status of your offer Live.



    Now when customers visit your offer, they'll see the deadline for the length of time you've set.




    If a subscriber visits your Voma offer directly (without the ?vemail=... parameter in the URL), then they will first see a lightbox where they can enter their email address. Then Voma will check if they have access and if their deadline has expired or not.




    โ”  If you have any questions, please let us know at or in our live chat at the bottom right of your screen.