Integrating with your email platform

This guide will tell you more about connecting your email platform to Voma to create and run automations when someone submits your offer.

How to connect your email platform to Voma 

  1. Head to the Integrations tab and click New Integration.
    Integrating email platform 1
  2. Click on the platform you want to use, complete your integration details (API URL, API Key, etc), and click Add.
    Integrating email platform 2

Voma currently has direct Email integrations with:

Please visit the guides linked above to view detailed instructions on how to integrate with your email platform and/or Zapier. 

After you have integrated with your email platform, you can set up automations for your email platform in your Voma offers.

If you have questions about integrating with a platform not listed above, please contact our team, we're happy to help.



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