Creating a Tripwire in OfferStacks

This guide will show you how to add a Tripwire deadline to your main offer.

A tripwire is a great opportunity to increase the urgency for your visitors to purchase your offer immediately after they land on your page. Using a short deadline encourages potential customers to act fast.


How to create a Tripwire

Head to the offer for which you want to create a tripwire and click on the OfferStack tab.

  1. Choose an OfferStack:  

    Select Tripwire and choose how long a new lead can access your special offer after they land on your page.
    Creating tripwire 1

  2. Create your Special Offer:

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    Add a discount, bonuses, or both to your offer. 
    • Discount: Choose the discount type (Percentage or Fixed) and type in the discount value.
    • Bonuses: Click on Add a new bonus and select the bonus you want to add to your special offer. You can add multiple bonuses.

  3. Select what happens after the deadline expires:
    • Remove bonuses and discount: Bonuses and discount will be removed after deadline.
    • Redirect to another offer: After deadline is reached, prospect will be redirected to another offer. Choose the other offer from the dropdown list.
    • Redirect to an external URL: After deadline is reached, the prospect will be redirected to the external URL you insert in the space provided.

  4. Set up Automations:

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    You can create the automations listed below, or set additional ones (Bonuses, Upsell, Bump and cancel subscriptions) under custom automations.
    • Abandon Cart: Triggers automation when someone abandons the cart.
    • Purchase: Triggers automation when someone makes a purchase.

For more details about setting up automations, check out this guide. You can also learn how to integrate and configure automations for various platforms here


5.   Activate your Tripwire:

    • Toggle the on/off button to activate or deactivate your Tripwire.  
    • On this page, you’ll also find your public offer link.
    • Use the Clear Tracking link to clear tracking on your device and preview your offer the same way a new visitor would see it the first time.

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