Customizing the appearance of your offer checkout page

This guide will show you how to customize the appearance of your offer checkout page by adding a theme, header & footer, testimonials, video, images, and more.

After you've created an offer, the next step is to customize the appearance of its checkout page. Voma simplifies this process by providing an appearance editor. This tool lets you see your changes in real time. 



How to use the appearance editor

The appearance editor displays your changes in real time as you make them. On the right side of the screen, there is a clickable live preview window, and on the left, there's an editable template where you can make your adjustments.

  1. First, you can head over to your offer and click on the Appearance tab.
    Customizing the appearance 1

  2. The offer appearance editor will open, where you can click on Page Settings on the top of your screen, which will take you to a page where you can choose between a 1-Step or 2-Step checkout page and customize the accent color and fonts.
    Customizing the appearance 2

  3. Next, you can hover over and click any section of your checkout page to choose which section you want to edit. Make your changes in the left panel, and view your changes live in the right panel. When you're done, click Save.
    Customizing the appearance 3

    You'll be able to add, customize, or change the:
      • Header - here you can choose between displaying:
        • Logo only
        • Logo & Secure badges
        • Logo & Custom text
        • No Header
      • Headline
      • Content - there are various rich text content blocks where you can add:
        • Product Description
        • Images
        • Links
        • Video (We currently support YouTube, Wistia, Vimeo, and Loom Videos)
        • Bullet Points
        • Testimonials
        • and more
      • Contact Information (You can mark certain fields as required and hide those that aren’t applicable, allowing you to choose which fields customers need to complete.)
        • Company Name
        • Name
        • Password - If you need to create a user account with login details for your new customer, you can require customers to create a password at checkout. The password field is accessible via Zapier.
        • Phone number
        • Billing & Shipping Address
      • Order Bump details (if applicable)
      • Buy Button
      • Order Summary
      • Footer - here you can multiple footer links like your privacy policy, terms and conditions, etc. You can also put an affiliate program link in your footer. 
  4. πŸ”Ž  Sneak Peek: 
  5. Customizing the appearance 4

πŸ’‘  Tip: Voma makes it easy to integrate with 3rd party course platforms like Teachable, Kajabi, and Thinkific. You can sell your products with a Voma checkout page and deliver your content through another platform. But did you know that you can do all of that inside of Voma with it's built in LMS (Learning Management System)?

πŸ”—  Next you can head over to Managing the settings of your offer.



❔  If you have any questions, please let us know at or in our live chat at the bottom right of your screen.