Creating an Optin to Offer in OfferStacks

This guide will show you how to create an Optin to Offer, enabling you to generate evergreen sales, grow your list, and convert anonymous visitors into leads and sales.

After you've created an offer, you can enhance your offer by adding an Optin to Offer.

This will help you grow your list quickly, and offer a special deal with a real deadline right after your customers subscribe. It's quick and simple to set up, and you can link to your Optin to Offer page directly from your social media posts and profiles.


🎬  Helpful video: This helpful video contains information relevant to this guide. 



How to create your Optin to Offer


Head to the offer you want to enhance, and click on the OfferStack tab.


  1. Choose an OfferStack: 

    Select Optin to Offer and choose how long a new lead can access your special offer after they optin. 

  2. Create your Special Offer: 

    Add a discount to your offer by choosing the discount type (Percentage or Fixed) and type in the discount value.

  3. Customize the Appearance: 
    • Image: You can choose to enable or disable the image on mobile (recommended dimensions are 396x479).
    • Content: You can add a headline and description to your content, and customize the email placeholder and button text. You also have the option to add a footer.
    • Styling: Choose the colors for your headline, description, button, and button text.
    • GDPR: Choose whether to hide or show a GDPR checkbox to EU or all visitors. You can also customize the text.

  4. Set up Automations:

    You can create the automations listed below, or set additional ones (Bonuses, Upsell, Bump and cancel subscriptions) under custom automations. After you've set your automations, click Next.
    • Optin: Trigger automation when someone submits your optin form.
    • Abandon Cart: Trigger automation when someone abandons the cart.
    • Purchase: Trigger automation when someone makes a purchase.

In this example, we used ActiveCampaign. (If you use another platform, it may look different.)

🔎  Sneak Peek:

If you set your Destination to Voma, you can grant content access, remove content access, or add leads to an Offer within Voma. You can also send a magic email link to a user after they opt-in when you are granting access to content through automation.



5.   Activate your Optin to Offer:

    • Toggle the on/off button to activate or deactivate your Optin to Offer.  
    • On this page, you’ll also find your public Optin to Offer link! 


📑  Note: After the deadline expires, the discount will automatically be removed and visitors will be able to purchase at full price. 


🔎  Sneak Peek:


🔗  Next you can head over to Enhancing Offers to learn more about other ways to enhance your offers.



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