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Setting up a custom domain

This guide will show you how to personalize the domain used for your offer pages and customer portal.

When you initially create a Voma account, you choose an account prefix (known as a "slug"), which will be used to generate the URLs for your offer pages and customer portal.


Jump to:


Add a custom domain to your account

Update your DNS settings

Test your custom domain



When you first create a Voma account, you choose a "slug" that will be used to generate the URLs for your offer pages and customer portal.

For example:

  • Your account prefix might be mybusinessname, meaning your offer pages would be accessible at `https://mybusinessname.vomapages.com/_payment-page-path_`.
  • And your customer portal will be accessible at `https://mybusinessname.vomapages.com/login`.

Custom URLs allow you to change those URLs to a subdomain you own.

For example:

`https://go.mybusiness.com/_payment-page-path_` or `https://go.mybusiness.com/login`.

Keep reading to get started with using a custom domain!


Add a custom domain to your account

Go to Settings and click on the Advanced tab. Enter the URL of your Custom Domain and click Save.

Setting custom domain 1

In this example, the custom domain is https://go.example.com.


Update your DNS settings

In order for the custom URL to work (e.g., https://go.example.com), you will need to set up the CNAME record for your subdomain in your DNS settings, with the CNAME pointing to `cname.vercel-dns.com`.

Here are guides for setting up CNAME records on some of the most popular platforms:

If yours isn't listed above, please contact our team, and we will be happy to help.


Test your custom domain

Now that your custom domain has been added to Voma and you have pointed your CNAME to cname.vercel-dns.com, you can test it to verify that it is working as expected.

Again, this example uses https://go.example.com as your custom domain. Please replace https://go.example.com with the actual custom domain that you are using. 

In your browser, open https://go.example.com/login in a new tab. This may time out after a few seconds, in which case you just need to wait for 10-15 seconds and try again.

This will open the customer portal for your Voma account.

If the customer portal is visible through your custom domain, then your custom domain is working and you can use it when linking to your offer pages and customer portal. 



❔  If you have any questions, please let us know at help@voma.ai or in our live chat at the bottom right of your screen.