Setting the optin, abandoned cart, purchase, and other automations for your offer

This guide will show you how to set up automations for your offers.

You can use automations whether or not an OfferStack is enabled on your offer. Configuring opt-in, abandoned cart, purchase, and other automations for your offers is essential for efficient marketing and customer engagement. 


🎬  Helpful video: This helpful video contains information relevant to this guide. 


How to create a new automation


📑  Note: In this example, we demonstrate the process using ActiveCampaign as the email platform. If you're using a different platform, the process and options may vary.


Automations can be set up within the OfferStacks tab of your Offers. The key automations to focus on are Optin (available in both Optin and Evergreen OfferStacks), Abandoned Cart, and Purchase. These automations are easily accessible and listed on your Automations page.


If you wish to add additional automations for Bonuses, Upsells, Bumps, or to cancel Subscriptions, simply click on Click here to create a custom automation. 


    1. Head to the OfferStack tab of your offer, and under Automations, choose the automation you want to create.
    2. Select the Destination from the dropdown list. If you have multiple platforms integrated with Voma, you can choose the relevant one. You can also select Voma if you want to manage content access or add leads to an Offer within Voma.
    3. Specify the Action to take when the automation is triggered.

      Example: When the Destination is set to Voma: 

      Example: When the Destination is set to ActiveCampaign:


    4. After selecting the Action, choose the relevant Product or Offer to grant access to or remove access from, if your destination is Voma. Alternatively, select the Tag you wish to add to someone or the List you want to add someone to if your destination is ActiveCampaign. Then, click Create.

📑  Note: You can create new tags in Voma on the fly without having to log into ActiveCampaign.

Your automation will now be listed on your Automations page.


🔗  Follow this link for detailed guides on the different platforms Voma integrates with. 



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