How to manually give a lead/subscriber access to your offer

Only subscribers who have already been granted access to your evergreen offer via a webhook, Zapier, or manual import will be able to visit your offer page.

There are three different ways to give a lead/subscriber access to your offer:

In this article, we'll show you how you can manually give a lead/subscriber access to your offer.

How to Manually Add a Lead/Subscriber To Your Offer

To add a subscriber to your offer manually, go to your Offer Editor in Voma, and click on Analytics.

Then click on Subscribers.

Fill in the email address and deadline for the subscriber that you are adding, then press Add Subscriber.

After doing that, you'll see the subscriber below in the subscriber table.

This means that this lead/subscriber now has access to your offer until their deadline expires.

How to Send a Lead a Personalized Link to Your Offer

If you want to send the link to your offer to a specific lead, you can customize your offer URL to include the lead's email address at the end of the URL.

To do this, take their email address and add it to the end of the offer page email link.

Here's how the email link would look in an example:

If a lead clicks on this link, Voma will automatically pre-populate their email address when they visit the offer, and will also automatically verify that this lead/subscriber has access to the offer.

If you have an evergreen deadline enabled and someone visits your offer directly (without the Voma email link), they will see a modal prompting them to enter their email address before they can access your offer:


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