Creating products and prices in Stripe

This guide will show you how to create products and prices in Stripe that can be imported into Voma.

You can create your products in Stripe and import them to Voma. Another option is to create products directly in Voma. Always use best practices to model your business in Stripe.


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Create a product in Stripe

Create additional prices for your product in Stripe

Note about legacy Stripe Plans API


Create a product in Stripe

  1. Go to the Products page in your Stripe dashboard, and click Add Product.
     Creating products in Stripe 1

  2. Enter your product details and click Add product.
    • Name of your product or service.
    • Description that appears at checkout, on customer portal, and in quotes.
    • Image that appears at checkout.
    • Price terms, period and amount. If you have additional prices for the product, you can add those by following the instructions in the next section.

📑  Note: Products should describe what is being offered (i.e. "Red marker" or "Silver plan"), not the cost or frequency (i.e. "$5", "$10/mo", or "$100/yr"). Products only define the name and description of what is being sold so that you can change how it is sold separately.


Create additional prices for your product in Stripe

  1. Go to the Products page in your Stripe dashboard, and click on the product you want to edit.
  2. On this page you will see any existing prices that you have defined for this product. To add additional pricing options, click Add another price.

    Creating products in Stripe 2

  3. Complete your price details and click Create price.
    When creating a new price, you need to choose or complete the following details:
    - Recurring or One-off
    - Pricing model 
    - Price 
    - Billing period
    - Price description (not customer-facing)
    - Lookup key

    Creating products in Stripe 3

  4. Once you have created at least one product and price in Stripe, you can import your products into Voma.


Note about legacy Stripe Plans API

Previously, recurring subscriptions in Stripe were defined using Plans.

Voma supports Products and Prices as well as the legacy Plans model, so if you are still using Plans in your Stripe account, you can still connect those Plans to Voma.

However, we encourage using Products and Prices for new products that you create in your Stripe account moving forward. Additionally, if Voma creates any products in your Stripe account, they will be created using Products and Prices.

🔗  Learn more about Stripe & Voma here.



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