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  2. Creating Products & Bundles

Creating bundled products

This guide will show you how to create a bundled product

A bundled product consists of two or more products. A product can be anything you want to offer your customer, whether it's a course or other digital product like a downloadable resource, software, info sheet, graphics template, etc.

A bundled product can be used as the main product, order bump or upsell in an offer. It can also be used as a bonus to an offer. 


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How to create a new bundled product

How to remove products from a bundle



How to create a new bundled product

The products you include in your bundle can be existing products, or you can create them as you go. For a more detailed guide on creating products, visit Creating a product.

  1. Head to the main Products tab on your side menu and click New Product, Create a New Product.
    Creating bundled product 1
  2. Complete the product details, and click Save.
    Creating bundled product 2
    • Name - Internal product name for your bundled product
    • Title - The product name your customers will see
    • Type - Choose Bundle (Alternatively, see how to create a single product)
    • Description - A description of your bundled product for internal use
    • Tax Category - this field will only show when tax is enabled in Stripe
    • Thumbnail - Upload an image (750x750)

  3. Click on the Products tab within your product to select the products you want to add to your bundle. Choose the products from the dropdown list and click Add to Bundle. If the product you want to add doesn't already exist, you can also create a new one from this page.
    Creating bundled product 3

    The products you selected will now appear as a list at the bottom of the screen. 
    Creating bundled product 4

πŸ“‘  Notes:

  • In one offer you might use the bundled product as the main product, while in another, it can be used as an upsell. Alternatively, in yet another offer, you might even use it solely as the bump offer.
  • Bundled Products are interchangeable, so you don’t need to create multiple bundled products for different offers. 


How to remove products from a bundle

  1. Head to Products and select the bundle from which you want to remove a product. Select the Products tab within your bundle.
  2. Click the Managing customer access 12 icon next to the product you want to remove, to instantly remove that specific product from your bundle.
    Creating bundled product 5

πŸ”—  Head over to Setting the default price of a product or bundle for more details about choosing the default price and payment option that is first used when you add a product or bundle to a new offer.



❔  If you have any questions, please let us know at help@voma.ai or in our live chat at the bottom right of your screen.