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Cookies used by Voma

Learn what cookies are used by Voma in your offer.

Disclaimer: The contents of this web page do not constitute legal advice. This page is for informational purposes only, and we strongly encourage you to seek independent legal counsel to understand how your organization needs to comply with the GDPR and/or other legal/regulatory requirements.


How Voma uses cookies

When you create an offer in Voma, Voma will automatically set cookies whenever someone visits that page.

Cookie Name Host Description Duration
voma_session api.vomapay.com Technical cookie that is used by Voma 2 hours
XSRF-TOKEN api.vomapay.com Technical cookie that is used by Voma 2 hours
_stripe_sid Your offer domain (i.e. example.vomapay.com) Fraud prevention and detection cookie that is used by Stripe 30 mins
_stripe_mid  Your offer domain (i.e. example.vomapay.com or store.example.com) Fraud prevention and detection cookie that is used by Stripe 1 year

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❔  If you have any questions, please let us know at help@voma.ai or in our live chat at the bottom right of your screen.